Sunday, March 20, 2016

A New ME

It has been over a year since the last time I wrote a post on my blog.
I still plan to share projects I am working on, and photos of new items in my shop. Details of my next show.

But I want to show you more of me!
I have decided to take my health seriously as I do my love of creating handmade items.

~After taking my Health Risk Assessment for my insurance at my day job. I have my results that everything is good. Well, not everything! My weight is an issue. At 36 years old. 5'10", I am 213lbs. That is considered overweight/obese. Not good.

I have started eating better than I have in the past 3 years. And getting help with a weight loss program called Plexus. I stared last week, by taking photos of my self. (front and side views) As well as taking measurements of my arms, legs chest and waist. The numbers I wrote down were not exciting. The higher the number, the bigger I am. UGH!
I want to start a family. I know I have gained weight since I married my wonderful husband. He is an amazing cook. And I just don't know when to say WHEN! If I were up to me. I would not eat. or just eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Since I work during the day and run my and made business the rest of my time. I barely have time to cook. (YES, I get house work done, but if you were to give my home the "White Glove Test" I would fail miserably!!)

Here I am baring my ugly secrets. Photos and TRUE numbers, to you my new reader. As well as the world.

Here I am for the world to see.
Here's what's new from the my studio.
 We have towels and Hot pads to make your kitchen look great.

Coin purses and ear bud pouches in different shapes and colors to fit your personality! 

We have new hands-free Hip Clips and small cotton wallets available in the shop.

Click my logo at the top of the
 blog page or the link below to get to my Etsy shop.

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